Two8 Bandz can do what ALL other bands can, only we do it better. Additionally, Two 8 Bandz create countless possibilities do many functional exercises that were simply not possible before now. Check out this comparison chart of how Two 8 Bandz stack up next to other types of bands out there:

Are Two8 Bandz safe for children? ABSOLUTELY!! In fact, Two8 Bandz were originally designed to for rehab and child movement correction. Every decision that went into the design, from the premium "zero skin irritation" material to the bright colors of our stars, was made with the same leading question: Is it child-friendly? We only moved forward when we could answer, "YES, 100%."  

What sports/skills can I improving in using Two 8 Bandz? Two8 Bandz are designed to adapt and amplify the trainings of virtually any sport that requires the use of muscle. In fact, Two8 Bandz can be used while actually playing/practicing most sports to development power by providing resistance while simultaneously assisting in the use of proper movement mechanics.

Is there a Two8 Band workout plan? We are working on it and post tips and examples on our social media daily. Just know that Two8 Bandz were created to infiltrate and enhance the training/sport that your are already practicing. Yes, Two8 Bandz can absolutely serve as the focus point of a training program and we will develop some band specific programs in the near future based off customer feedback and requests. 

How much weight can the Two8 Bandz withstand? The Movement Bandz can withstand over 3,000lbs of machine generated pressure while the Super Bandz can withstand well over 5,000lbs. When we say safe and secure, we really mean it. 

Where do Two 8 Bandz ship? We current ship to all of North America a few other countries through this online store. If you are not able to place an order in your location, contact: coachstokes@two8bandz.com


    Move Better With Us!

    Dive into the Two8 universe, where every workout is a step towards unleashing your inner hero. The Two8 Band is the ultimate tool in your training arsenal, the sidekick to your saga – versatile, powerful, and essential for endless challenges. We're on a mission to transform fitness into a heroic journey, empowering you to conquer your goals and inspire others. As a collaborator, you're not just joining a brand; you're becoming a part of a movement that celebrates strength, mobility, and the hero within. Join us at Two8, where every movement is a chance to reveal the superhero you're meant to be. #moveBetter

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